I spent 20 or so years raising chickens, ducks, emus, peacocks, and other domesticated birds. I, also, spent many years enjoying the outdoors and the wild birds found there.
Dave Cesari used his camera, though, to capture something I never saw – a look of “baffled” on a bird’s face. Sort of saying “What the h… just happened?” Click the TGO Photo Club Page to see his new posting.
Then scroll down to see my story of “What the h… happened here?”

In my last blog, about edgy photos, I told you of the new Blue Daze plants in my rock garden with a hungry visiter. Click “older post” at the bottom if you missed it.

I went to a local retail store to buy a bottle of spray to put on the plants to deter the rabbit from eating my expensive landscape. On the label it said it is guaranteed to not harm the rabbit. I sprayed the plants for a couple days and I saw the rabbits avoided the Blue Daze and munched on my lawn. Perfect, “Repels-All” is a success. I stored the bottle on my porch for use every couple of days – I spayed the Blue Daze after each major rain storm.

One morning I walked out and saw the bottle was not on the porch. Hey, the bottles is laying out in the Lawn???? – Check it out – Bottle was empty – at least $10.00 of the stuff gone? What you think?
- Rabbit took the top off and poured the stuff on the ground?
- I had one too may drinks the night before and somehow poured the stuff out?
- The ghost up in the sky that protects all rabbits came down and protected my rabbit?
- ?? what you think – Look at the label – repels almost every wild animal living in civilized Florida.
Top animal the it repels is a raccoon – even if the stuff smells like fish – maybe a little rotten fish – do you think that raccoons are repelled by a little rotten fish smell?
Lots of deer, armadillo, & tweety birds around – I don’t think these teeth marks are made by any of them. Yep, I vote for the top animal – the raccoon – I did see him hanging around last night – think he was hunting for more of the $14.00 product called Repels-All.
I THINK I WAS DUPED BY THE PICTURE ON THE BOTTLE LABLE – The retail trade did it to me! By putting a picture of a raccoon on the label I was duped into thinking I did not need to keep the bottle from them. Yep, I was duped. That is what I think.
Tell me what you think. What happen here?
As you swing thru life – read the labels then use your own good logic – I think the smell of dead fish will seem like a good meal to a raccoon – Oh well, future interesting labels will entice me to pull out my credit card, I am sure. And, who knows, I maybe be wrongly accusing that raccoon anyway.
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