He plowed, he harrowed, he hauled props, hauled fertilizer, he sowed first oats. – how did he do all that — He purchased a mare for $142 of course. Let me show you how he did all those chores with the horses he owned! -but first of all what is a prop and what is a harrow?

His Black mare would have been a draft horse – not shaped like a horse winning the Belmont.

This is a plow like he would have used

This is a harrow like he would have used.

Miners installing a prop like Grandpa hauled to the Hooverville mine.

OOPS, Grandpa cut one too long for the low mine roof!

This is how he plowed.

This would be how he hauled fertilizer .

This is how he wold have hauled Props.

This is how he harrowed.

This is how he would have planted his “First Oats”

As you can see Grandpa did his daily living work with horses – I play with them every day – Is it all Grandpa fault – are horses in my DNA? Remember he wrote in 1903 – Actually, I did all that horse work chores while growing up in 1950’s

Go back to the top and see if you can find other chores Grandpa did with the horse! That is my thought for now!
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