After you read my “DIGITAL EYE” page below take a look at the Photo Page.

Linda added new photos to the Photo Page. She wrote of them: Yearly, a West Newbury neighbor conducts a lilac walk through hundreds of lilacs on his property.  Knowledgeable and entertaining, as there is a Scottish dancing segment, Chris shares his enthusiasm of plants with us.  We are also treated to a delicious buffet. 



Is your eyeball a digital magnifying glass? Better yet, is your mind a concentrating  mind? Looking for details thru magnification helps you concentrate. Concentration on details helps you see and enjoy the whole.

Details in nature are a form of art created by God. When you look for them you are concentrating.  When you concentrate on art I believe you are provided an uplift in your mental outlook on life, you see and thus learn new things, and you are prompted to wonder why or how such things could be.

Boy, what am I talking about? Well, I was thinking how lucky we are to be able to save things we see. I mean save them with my iPhone camera or my relatively inexpensive 42 power digital camera. I can see them again in the evening and concentrate on details missed with the naked eye.

Magic – Grandpa never had it that good. He never really got to seen things up close like I can.

For example: See this little snake I found sleeping under the pile of rotting leaves in my garden. I scooted him out onto the driveway and snapped a picture of him with my iPhone

Cute little guy

– then today, I magnified him:

Look at the heart-shaped design on his head.  Hey, how do you think his brain organizes a view from the left eye with a view from the right eye?  –  each eye sees entirely different views of the world around him.

What is that on the horizon?

42x Why is the smoke not trailing behind the freighter – He came from the Soo Locks and is heading to the left (North-East) – Did I PhotoShop that smoke? – I did not – then why? How about a 30 MPH  South-West wind?

Why did the woodpecker peck so  close to the ground?

Do you think his head would hurt after chiseling a hole like that?

Wow – did he miss these critters at dinner time – or did they come after dinner to feast on the sap?

How big was this tree when it blew over? – See the top is pointing to the sky and the tree is growing quite healthy with the top of it’s roots pull out of the ground.- The roots went down to get nourishment and the top went up to get sunshine! All after a long-ago storm made the tree use it’s creativity to survive.

Hey here is a piece of broken branch on the ground by the tree trunk.

Magnify the broken branch – Did God’s art have good contrast, good composition, good color, good lines.– Is it a pleasure to look at?

I focused on his art and discovered a face he hid there. Did you find it?

I will swing on out of here until tomorrow – study your world in detail – Hey, then, send me photos to post on the Photo Page!