It all started in the year 1710 they tell me, that is when John came to this country. Feel sure I got most of the facts correct. John (my great,great,great,great,great grandfather came to this homestead area in Pennsylvania in late 1700s they say and rumor has it that he is buried right near the house) – the line is ……,…., John Jr. Jacob, Abraham, Michael, Charles, Kenneth then finally me followed by my children followed by their children. Abraham built this barn and house in Somerset County PA – I was born in the room with the window upstairs in the house – Of course it has been modernized and reduced in size – back then we had large families (Records show Abraham and Anne had 14 children). My first memories are of playing right here in this yard, and in later years riding my pony in down that dirt road, looking for my Dad plowing in the field across the way. Oh what about magnify photos: will show you.

I magnified this stone so we could read it. This little cemetery is within a good walk from the old barn and house – Anne was Abraham’s wife – my great, great, great grandmother. I do not know what happened to Abrahams tomb stone but I often read it and it said something like this “Remember me as you stand here, As you are now, so once was I, As I am now, soon you will be, Make peace with God and prepare to follow me.”

Grandpa Charles build this barn around 1900 on the same property as the house I was born in – Dad was born here and he farmed both places all of my growing up years. Later my brother farmed it – So you see the family farmed this property for over 200 years – each generations birth alternated between the two houses. Oh what about magnify photos: will show you.

Did you ever look up close at a Hex sign – Now you did. I do not know who made it for my Grandpa. Oh what about magnify photos: will show you.
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