The photographer, Grandma, studied the photo print and created what she really saw via brush, pigment, and creativity. “A story of friendly pride in ones work!” – of both the baker and the artist.

The photographer saw the Falcon – and took many photos . Why did the Falcon choose this back yard in Brooklyn to sit and pose?

The photographer named this “The Brooklyn Polar Bears” – The story is told by the young Granddaughter – she is a true actor – acting out a part for Grandma – communicating – not in words but with body language! With body language the tough man (Grandson) is communication “Sissy” lets play frisbee! Mom says – Here, I will break up the ice for you.

The Photographer (Grandma) saw this on a seven mile hike through NYC and saved it to study so that she could create what she saw via brush, pigment, and creativity. The story here is composition – the uniting of Nations – That is what the building was constructed for.

I stole the photograph from Grandma – created what I saw vie Digits, PhotoShop and my best at creativity! The story is that PhotoShop developers gave me the power to do funny thing with a photograph!

Simple – The photographer called this “BAD DOG” The dog said why did you call me that? – Is it bad to make little things our of big things – I say you shred paper in your office – are you a bad woman? I do not think so!
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