The photographer studied the photo print and created what she saw via brush, pigment, and creativity.

The photographer, Grandma,  studied the photo print and created what she really saw via brush, pigment, and creativity. “A story of friendly pride in ones work!” – of both the baker and the artist.

The photographer saw the Falcon - and took many photos .

The photographer saw the Falcon – and took many photos . Why did the Falcon choose this back yard in Brooklyn to sit and pose?

 The Falcon says she loves me so I will perform and stand side-way

The Falcon says she loves me so I will perform and stand side-way 

The photographer named this  "The Brooklyn Polar Bears"

The photographer named this “The Brooklyn Polar Bears” – The story is told by the young Granddaughter – she is a true actor – acting out a part for Grandma – communicating – not in words but with body language! With body language the tough man (Grandson) is communication “Sissy” lets play frisbee!  Mom says – Here, I will break up the ice for you.

The Photographer saw on a seven mile hike through NYC and saved it to study so that she could  create what she saw via brush, pigment, and creativity.

The Photographer (Grandma) saw this on a seven mile hike through NYC and saved it to study so that she could create what she saw via brush, pigment, and creativity. The story here is composition – the uniting of Nations – That is what the building was constructed for.

I stole it and created what I saw vie Digits, PhotoShop and a lack of creativity!

I stole the photograph  from Grandma – created what I saw vie Digits, PhotoShop and my best at creativity! The story is that PhotoShop developers gave me the power to do funny thing with a photograph!

Or maybe - "Elvis" on black velvet

Or maybe – “Elvis” on black velvet

Or the Vegas Strip

Or the Vegas Strip

Simple - The photographer called the "BAD DOG" The dog said why did you call me that?

Simple – The photographer called this  “BAD DOG”  The dog said why did you call me that? – Is it bad to make little things our of big things – I say you shred paper in your office – are you a bad woman? I do not think so!

As my brain sees it!

As my brain sees it!