Bill White shared some of his visit to DC – near the 4th of July – very appropriate! Click Photo Page to the left to see Bill’s photos, then, return here to read my story of “Snapping.”


In the days of the founding of our country folks did not carry camera everywhere they went – Later-on Abraham Lincoln did not carry a camera everywhere – probably never owned one.  Think about what that telephone camera can do (or does do) for you! – bet you have it with you most everywhere you go.

I was thinking while taking the 5 minute walk from my barn to the house this morning.  My hands were full, ‘cause I was pushing a large mower, so I did not snap any photos of the Mallard pair sitting on my dock, or the garden snake crossing the road, or the Sea Gull diving for breakfast, or the deer thinking about munching one of my flowers.

But, normally I just snap away – I see I have over 9,000 photos on my storage-drive of interesting or pretty things seen while doing chores around the house, barn, and field.

I will post a few of my up-close snaps to share with you. Hope you enjoy them and that you are encouraged to snap away.  Study interesting things and stare at their color, tone, lines, shape, and texture a little longer – maybe even send your snaps  to share with us.

06 29 2018 By my barn – Hub (bearing) and wooden rim of pulley from old steam powered sawmill.

06 29 2018 – A stone I placed in my garden.

06 29 2018 – A stone I placed in my garden.

06 29 2018 – A stone (with hollowed out bowl) I placed in my garden.

06 29 2018 – A stone I “Pudding stone”placed in my garden. It is a “Pudding stone”

06 29 2018 – A stone – a study of lines and texture

06 29 2018 – A wild one!

06 29 2018 -A wild one up close

06 29 2018 Birds-eye view of the sky

Oh my – Even my black and white swing image has lines