DAVE WROTE: Hi Jim, Here are some pictures for the blog. Adult and young  Peregrine Falcons. It was quite windy last evening. Peregrines love the wind. The young were very active chasing and sparring. It is a great  place to shoot Peregrines as they are fairly close and perform mostly overhead. As I have told you before I love Peregrines. They are truly magnificent birds.  The last shot shows all three young birds on the state office building across from the bank building where the nest box is located   Dave

06 28 2024 Dave Cesari

06 28 2024 Dave Cesari

06 28 2024 Dave Cesari

06 28 2024 Dave Cesari

06 28 2024 Dave Cesari

06 28 2024 Dave Cesari

06 28 2024 Dave Cesari

I WROTE: I love using PhotoShop to make photo paintings of life.   Here, I am giving the  new-born calf a ride to the barn before the storm.

JEB 06 28 2024

AS YOU SWING THROUGH LIFE – Stop sometimes, sit by a window, or on your porch  –  study and enjoy what is happening out there – falcons, storms, rabbits, neighbors, ……..