This is Charlie – Charlie first appeared in 1947, three years before Peanuts started, in a comic strip by Charles M. Schulz called Li’l Folks.

Charlie was found in an old rotting log beside the road which I took my bike on! – Who created it – An Islander did – just for entertainment, — while no Mall’s were available for entertainment! — I vote for no malls!

Stones are great entrainment here on the Island – Ugly tele-boxes, alone, just do not add to the natural beauty of the Island.

Now, let’s look at some sticks- when the snow is 10 feet deep, how does the snow plow driver know where the edge of the road is? By the stick of course.

Suppose, you want to tell folks where you lived if you were D. Staf…- You would dress-up the wood sign with a few plastic flowers!

Suppose you had an accident on a curve – you would want to warn others of the impending Dann`gerous Curve. – is it pointing to Dann Gerous’s home??? – Or is Dann a fish, with mouth open, heading the other way? – I do not know – I do know the curve is in the dirt road and not extremely dangerous?

Love my things of nature – I do have many more photos sitting in the wings awaiting my need for a subject to Blog with you all about!
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