First – go to “1. Members – Out and About” in the left-hand column – Jim Dick post 3 wonderful photos. If you missed my last post on June 21 – go to “older Posts” at the bottom of this page.
Then read the following – my thoughts on the “Ideal Camera” & and a little on “Photo Club education.” – If you want to volunteer to be a teacher – contact me. How is that for a blunt call for teachers!
What good is a camera club if it does not teach us through classroom sessions? Let me tell you:
1. The Club provides birds-of-a-feather social opportunities. We humans love to be with folks (birds) that are like us. In fact we learn from each other at our social gatherings (Club meetings).
2. The Club provides a learning environment just like the birds we photograph. Birds see what others do and from that they learn. How do real birds-of-a-feather teach each other? Not in a classroom but rather by example. Momma deer does not say to fawn “Stay away from man with gun” –

Mom said – “Stay awaits from man with camera” Merganser family swimming out there in the bay. Mom and maybe 9 babies. Iphone not ideal camera here
Momma shows the fawn to stay away. Same way the Merganser teaches her chicks to find food – by example. She leads them to water and starts to eat – the chicks get the idea.
3. The Club lets us share what we photograph. Without a classroom we learn this way too. If the things we share bring a response of “ho-hum” we try to do something else. If by chance what we share brings a response of “Wow”, we try to duplicate that accident. – That is learning.
4. Hopefully too, the club will offer some classroom learning – on subjects such as aperture to use while shooting the full moon, composition elements to use when shooting a bird on a branch (or when it is sitting on a rock by the sea,) or what is the ideal camera we should purchase.
I wanted to get you to a thinking about the ideal camera. Yes, I know I push you to remember to use your cell phone camera – but it ani’t gonna do it for all shots.

I try to illustrate my stories using my photos – so my current camera (iPhone) does OK when I want to show you the joy of a Drummond Sunset and reflection over my dock
Think about this: What is the ideal coat to wear in Titusville, Fl. Is it the same coat as the one you would wear in the windy drizzle at 50 F here on Drummond? What is the ideal pair of shoes, or the ideal flowered dress (not you men), or what is the ideal mud-tire to put on your Jeep.
There is no answer to these questions until you know where you are and how you want to use them. The same goes for the camera.

Post process zoom – I wanted to show you the Merganser family – 3 chicks get free ride on Mom’s back – Iphone not much good here

While biking, I caught this out of the corner of my eye. iPhone not much good here – So, this is mostly a PhotoShopped photo.
To select the ideal camera, you must ask yourself something like this: “Which is the ideal camera for underwater photography, portrait photography, or travel photography.” It depends where you are and what you want to do.

Where I last saw Mom and Cub

To help you see Mom and Baby track
Camera selection is a complex question. For this trip to Drummond, the only camera I have is my iPhone – Before my next trip I hope to purchase the Ideal camera for what I do. Since the club did not educate me, I will live with my mistake. But, I am hoping for your sake, one of our members researches the topic of “Ideal Camera” and teaches you in a classroom session next winter
Of course I did some research for myself I- looked into an ideal travel camera: (Point and Shoot, Advanced Compact Cameras, Bridge Camera, DSLR, & Mirrorless) Each has its own list of benefits. In my research, I found that knowing the following terms would help an individual make a decision. Maybe a learning session, for the Camera Club, on terminology is a good idea: The terms, Sensor Size, Aperture, Megapixels, Optical & Digital Zoom, Focal Length, EIS/OIS, Ergonomics & Navigability, WiFi, Lens Selection, Video, RAW capability, Pocket Size, Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), High-resolution screen, Dynamic Fine Zoom.

I liked this one ’cause it looks ,to me, like Mom is grunting as she lays eggs. iPhone did good. Baby’s are happening every where up here – Fawns, baby Mallards, Baby Mergansers, baby snakes, Squirrels……..

As you swing thru life – Learn something new every morning, noon, and afternoon just by watching the folks and world around you.
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