Art is everywhere. Look out your window, look down the road, walk in the grocery store, art is everywhere.  It is impossible to avoid art. Then why do we have a photographers or an artists? They do nothing – art is free everywhere!

We do need them – I suggest that artists are our psychologists.

A psychologist, isolates elements from the environment of an individual and isolates the trigger elements from the individual’s make-up.  The psychologist does this to relate the two and thus help an individual make changes.

The artist isolates an element of the environment – from the window view, the road views, the grocery shelves, the arrangement on the table. — from everywhere. That is one half a psychologist/artist.

Now for the other half. Every artist is confident that they “Know” what element’s trigger what reaction given the viewers make-up.  So, even without college training, the artist is confident they know what will trigger a “wow” from their viewers.  

So, the artist looks out the window, selects elements that will fit their 9” x 12” canvas and expect a change (a WOW) from their viewer and of course a $1500 check.  I know, psychologists make a lot more than that.  But, a starving artist would not be starving if they had twenty-dollar bills sticking out of their pockets.

Just for fun I give you 7 of my isolations – Please send a WOW and a $1500 check!

“BY-golly” I mean gully – eye sees you


After winter

Reflected lake

Left over from the cement-mixer cleaning.

On my coffee table – A library book.

Audi reflections.

Oh my – Looking out from my swing – I see art everywhere.