Perla, love grass – even as short as this grass is – she will spend 16 hours a day shearing it with her front teeth – If the big bad flies don not chase her into the barn.

But, yesterday the big bad fly did chase her into the barn!

There are other things to see on our Island – Gulls having breakfast – You all know how a good restaurant always has a waiting to get served – Here is the gull’s waiting line at the “Fishing Dock” restaurant.

But, Grandma, me, and Austin like our berries for breakfast – and we do not like to spend much money for the berries (bing PA Dutch you know) so we go outside and look for frees ones that God put – just for us!

Hope you liked Austin’s and my morning story – now I must go mow and plant – and tend the horse – A game of golf in between.
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