Did my mind wonder or wander? It pondered a stressful word pronounced “Edgy.” Read on. I wonder if you might understand.
Everyday a very talented artist explains to me her latest work by discussing the various aspects of the creation. Just as a baby learns his or her native language from the conversations in his environment, I learn the native language of art from these discussions with the artist.
But last week a new term crept into the discussion. It was the “art” term – “Edgy.” Ask I of her, what does it mean when my PhotoShopped photos are not edgy enough? Does it mean the art is blurry – edges not sharp. No, no – said this artist – It has to do with the dictionary’s definition of edgy when “edgy” is used as slang: “Socially dangerous, daring, intellectively provocative – tending to induce unease or stress in viewers.” She went on to say you can put edgy into art with a splash of bright red where viewers do not expects it.
I just smiled and my mind said to me, “Be nice now and just pretend you understand” – I did exactly that, I pretended. Then I went to each picture I planned to show you – added a splash of red. I had a lot of fun doing it – and in my opinion it made my pictures a lot more interesting. But, I sure was not stressed and I hope you are not stressed when you look at them – I really need to go back to that artist and get an Edgy education that I understand! The first question I will ask the artist is: “Why do I want to stress the viewer?”
Gloria, of course, is the artist I am talking about. She doesn’t know I did not get it but I plan to keep asking her for more edgy conversations until I do get it. In the meantime look what I did with my version of edgy in these photos:
Hey, did you notice the red in each photo? – A little color in each made me smile but I was not stressed.
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