Did my mind wonder or wander? It pondered a stressful word pronounced “Edgy.” Read on. I wonder if you might understand.
Everyday a very talented artist explains to me her latest work by discussing the various aspects of the creation. Just as a baby learns his or her native language from the conversations in his environment, I learn the native language of art from these discussions with the artist.
But last week a new term crept into the discussion. It was the “art” term – “Edgy.” Ask I of her, what does it mean when my PhotoShopped photos are not edgy enough? Does it mean the art is blurry – edges not sharp. No, no – said this artist – It has to do with the dictionary’s definition of edgy when “edgy” is used as slang: “Socially dangerous, daring, intellectively provocative – tending to induce unease or stress in viewers.” She went on to say you can put edgy into art with a splash of bright red where viewers do not expects it.
I just smiled and my mind said to me, “Be nice now and just pretend you understand” – I did exactly that, I pretended. Then I went to each picture I planned to show you – added a splash of red. I had a lot of fun doing it – and in my opinion it made my pictures a lot more interesting. But, I sure was not stressed and I hope you are not stressed when you look at them – I really need to go back to that artist and get an Edgy education that I understand! The first question I will ask the artist is: “Why do I want to stress the viewer?”
Gloria, of course, is the artist I am talking about. She doesn’t know I did not get it but I plan to keep asking her for more edgy conversations until I do get it. In the meantime look what I did with my version of edgy in these photos:

When out and about there are so many interesting things to see and wonder about as I wander about – No edgy red here ’cause I showed you this beautiful mushroom in my last blog. I put it here again just to show you the before version of the next photo..

As it ages – Look at it – Oh no, ignore the mushroom. Look at how strong a few blades of grass can be. Did you expect to see the little red ladybug on one of them? More reds in the following photos.

Nothing really special here unless you happen to like to see armadillos and enjoy the edgy red – They are very special creatures – between my years on our Texas ranch and here in the Great Outdoors in Florida , I could write a book of them. Go out and about in Texas or Florida and you my enjoy them too.

Nothing really special about snakes unless you happen to like to see them when out and about – They are very special creatures – between my years on our Texas ranch and here in the Great Outdoors in Florida – I could write a book on them too. Some very funny experiences I have had would be included. Like me sitting on one 5 footer curled up on my tractor seat – I will tell you, I still check before sitting down anywhere as a result of that experience.

Shadow at a Great Outdoors Parade.

Good friends of mine take such good care of their dog. – I think the dog is sniffing it’s red mask that it dropped. That is not the story here though – Check the dog in the clouds in the upper right quadrant!

New Blue Daze plants in our rock garden with a hungry visiter. This rabbit caused me to be duped by the retail business. In my next blog I will tell you, with photos, how that happened.
Hey, did you notice the red in each photo? – A little color in each made me smile but I was not stressed.

As you swing thru life – be a little edgy. Well at any rate, add a little color to what you do each day.
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