DAVE WROTE: Hi Jim, Here are some pictures for the blog. We have been exploring swamps and marshes in our upstate NY area. Many people consider swamps to be useless areas. They hold some very different and interesting birds. You have to work to find them but when you do there are often great birds. Here are some pictures of an American Bittern we found a few nights ago. Bitterns are members of the Heron family. They call and display in the spring to attract a mate and hold a territory. I’ve got some great Rail pictures also I’ll send you in a week or so. Dave

05 16 2022 Dave Cesari

05 16 2022 Dave Cesari

05 16 2022 Dave Cesari

05 16 2022 Dave Cesari

05 16 2022 Dave Cesari
I WROTE: It is fun to play with PhotoShop to make Photo Art – Why? – I have no idea but I do spend a lot of fun-time doing it – I will show you here the steps I went through just having fun:

At a car show where income went to charity – I volunteered to photo the event. I liked this, I think, ’55 Chev. – As a teen, I had close ties to one almost 70 years ago! The reflection in the bumper looks like I an standing on my own shoulders – ???? – no PhotoShop, that is what the camera saw?

Then I repeated the reflection of me photographing it.

Then I painted to in art oil.

Then I went way out in PhotoShop for fun.

The I did more surreal things to it. You like my 1955 Chev art?

As you swing through life try doing something you have no reason to do it – but to have fun, of course.
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