We pass along to members of out family so many things and of course they return their things to us. One morning last week Heather, my daughter, passed along to me a great gift – for Father’s Day I suppose.. She called me as she was leaving her house with my Grandson Charlie to tell me they were thinking of me. They wanted to tell me how happy they were that they inherited traits from me.
I wondered what traits – maybe intelligence, maybe her blue eyes, a positive attitude to life, maybe compassion for others, a healthy body, and the list in my mind went on. Passing along any one of those traits would be great. But, nope, it was none of these traits.

My family – Oh my, are they all carbons of me? – well maybe just a little of the day-to-day living allowed a few traits to rub off – you will have to ask them.
Here is what happened as they left their house: They had to stop the car in the driveway, go back into the house to check if they turned off the stove. Then on the second attempt at backing out of the driveway, they had to stop, go back into the house once more and check to be sure they unplugged the hair dryer and to pickup the letter they wanted to take to the post office.
Oh my – Heather went on to say that every morning when I went to work she was just waking up to get ready for school – she heard me exit the front door, she lay half awake feeling safe that she would not drift off to sleep and miss the school bus – ‘cause she knew I would be back in at least twice to pick up something I for forgot or to check to be sure I turned off the stove – after my third departure she knew she had to get up – there would be no more door slamming to wake her up.

The families compassion for animals. Saving a shore bird tangled in a fishing line – memories of day-to-day living
That is the inherited trait I got told of for Father’s Day – no mention of compassion for others or their intelligence, or good looks ……… Heather went on – She said when she and Charlie left the house for the third time this morning they thought of me – they inherited that from me they said – always going back into the house before final departure!
I laughed a full 5 minutes and said to myself that I hope each of you get rewarded with such a nice story from your family on this Father’s Day.
How can I wish that kind of passed on trait upon you? Well, it is a story of memories of day-to-day living – of events of the past that help us remember the joys, traits, and the fun of day-to-day sharing together. I think that is what life is all about. That is how I can wish that upon you. Accept my wish, and right now, laugh at a funny trait you passed along.
That made me think about things we “SEE” every day as we live day-to-day life together.
For example, when we are outside, 50% of what we see is sky! Think about it. Above the horizon we see sky.

Nearly 100% of what we see above the horizon is God’s ever changing sky!
The nice part of that is, it is never the same. The morning sky is different from the evening sky. The white puffy clouds are different from the clouds of an approaching storm, and the moments before a snow storm can be dark and spooky. How about the clouds silhouetted by a full moon. 50% of every thing we see outside – that which is above our horizon – is the most beautiful display of nature’s. It is as if God is changing, just for us, the art hanging on the walls of the sky.
Now think about being indoors. At least 50% of what we see is above the furniture – it is the wall.

Here is one flower Susan did( or may soon) rotate out on one of TGO’s walls
In most homes the walls are decorated with paintings and photos. We see these paintings so often that we hardly notice – we hardly appreciate them.
Our community, The Great Outdoors Golf and RV Resort, took a different approach they change the art on their walls. Walk into our great Blue Heron restaurant in our community, 40-50 paintings decorate the walls.

Great walls in the Lobby of the Manor House
Enter our community office, 15-20 photo prints decorate the walls. Our Manor House community building has 30-40 photo prints on the walls. Or library walls, above the book shelves, are lined with photographs.
All of these paintings and photos are changed at least annually – many are changed every 3-4 months. Just like the sky, this change is refreshing – our minds are engaged and brought to life by this change. We notice the new paintings and photos, we study them, and we appreciate them.

Same old husband in bed but often new art over the bed.
God changes our sky – we change the walls of our community buildings – these changes bring sparkly to our day-to-day living. What about the walls in your home? Do you sparkle them with new images.
Let me tell you, the walls of my home are changed often.
Even the garage walls are changed – every time I drive the car into the garage I might see new art.

In my garage – do not forget to hit the brakes – not the wall
If you would like to sparkle your walls, think about exploring, with me, how you could change the images on you walls. Maybe we could work with local Photographers and Artists to see what could be done to change your wall images often – sort of “trade ’em in” may be possible..
Jim Brubaker — 321-693-0597 jimbrubaker@earthlink.net

As you swing thru life, – Enjoy those day-to-day happenings that make up all your memories.
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