Yesterday's sunset before the weather moved in - rain and I guess wind - no power for 4hours - no problem I was sleeping!!!

Yesterday’s sunset before the weather moved in – rain and I guess wind – no power for 4hours – no problem, I was sleeping!!!

In the morning - overcast - misty - good weather for gulls to hunt for breakfast. Really enjoy walking the shore watching them do that.

In the morning – overcast – misty – good weather for gulls to hunt for breakfast. Really enjoy walking the shore watching them do that.

I have been studying the wing and leg movement of gulls, geese, swans, and sandhill cranes lately - we all gotta stretch in the morning  - just like this guy - but I am not near this graceful.

I have been studying the wing and leg movement of gulls, geese, swans, and sandhill cranes – mostly during take-off and landing – we all gotta stretch in the morning – just like this guy – but I am not near this graceful.

What do you think he is saying?  "May I join this breakfast table?"

What do you think he is saying? “May I join this breakfast table?

I think one is saying - "Look out, I"m coming in" the other "I give up"

I think one is saying – “Look out, I”m coming in” the other “I give up”


Early evening to the tune of fog horns - "Fog sneaking in"

Early evening to the tune of fog horns – “Fog sneaking in”

Threw this in to show how much a swan must do to take off - look at his/her left leg throwing water!

Threw this in to show how much work a Tundra Swan must do to take off – look at his/her left leg throwing water!

Two Tundra Swans seeking refuge for the evening before heading north to ? - The tundra, I guess.

Exhausted – but caught up with my mate – now seeking refuge for the evening before heading north to ??? –  the tundra, I guess.


A little later - more fog

A little later – more fog

Later more fog - more fog horns - more beautify environment - sorry if you do not have the cost to experience before your dinner.

Later more fog – more fog horns – more beautify environment – Bet you could enjoy an evening of fog, gulls, swans, and  fog horns before dinner.

This is the sunset after dinner - lot different then last night - but in someway it is more spiritual

This is the sunset after dinner – lot different then last night – but in someway it is more spiritual

Wonder if Noah enjoyed big water.  He  is our great, great, ........relatives, you know?  (Check out Genesis Chapter 9)  But, some think the jackass, most, likely was a relative of mine!

Wonder if Noah enjoyed big water. He is our great, great, ……..Grandparent, you know? (Check out Genesis Chapter 9) But, some think the jackass, most, likely, was a relative of mine!