My friend Carlyle really concentrates some times – We enjoy working together – of course we are “Two Grumpy Old Men!” do not tell him I said that. But I have always enjoyed working in the woods – Enen more now – Chainsaws now days are a lot lighter and easier to start and keep sharp then they were years ago when I grew up in Pennsylvania cutting wood to keep our new hatched chickens warm.

Got it! Now let us put stump number two on the other end – and off to the burn pit! – the tree is cut up and used for winter warmth – he figures we provided almost a month of fuel for his furnace – even if it is a cold winter!

I looked up and saw this “cloud cat” in the sky chasing one of my sea gull friends – as you know I love to see sea gulls – yea, they are a little noisy and some times not so clean but they are the most interesting animals that I see almost any time I look outside and they can hover, dive, glide, – almost anything – that is why I named this one Mr. Livingston.
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