June 3, 2018  – See the updated Photo Page featuring Linda Somers and Jim Spain


Jim Brubaker wrote:

June 3 – For Loon watching, I have been testing the 42 power lens of my old Nikon Coolpix which I have not used for a couple years – looks pretty good though:

June 1, 2018 – Who are you?  Are you an Island onto yourself? Of course you are. You are yourself!  Read on down this page just for fun.

Landing at Sault St Marie – The Soo – with a Canadian Island in the far horizon.

Our photo club members are each an Island onto to themselves, in a way.  I can identify each photographer by the set of photos they send me to post on our website. Each set has it’s unique fingerprint. 

Hey, club members, you may not have thought about it, but I think that is why our sharing session at club meetings is so successful. That session is like a vacation trip. We get to see the sights – and some times – the sounds of another island, without the cost and effort to travel there. Our fellow club members bring “Their” unique island to us so that we get to enjoy their island.

Every vacation or motorhome trip I have taken for the last sixty or so years included a visit to an island.  Newfound, Iceland, Smith, Tangiers, Denmark, Scotland, and dozens more.  I have lived on two Island – one 15 miles out to sea off the coast of Rhode Island and the other is Drummond Island in the Great Lakes.  A Island girl even married me – Manhattan Island is in her soul!

I will show you a few sights and sound of my home on Drummond as I saw them in the few days since I left TGO – Of course TGO is like a gated Island – we in TGO do have a unique culture – being a culture of RV’s and associated toys and hobbies like the Outdoors, Nature, and Photography.

From our fire pit I see a 900 foot freighter heading for the Soo locks.

From my living room window, at 9:30 in the evening, I see the sun setting.

While petting a horse, by the barn, I see the winter’s pile of horse manure sprouting hundreds of mushrooms.

In the grass by the barn, I see the beautiful spring flower.

I love what my iPhone camera and PhotoShop can do to a tulip in the spring.

More important than Island fingerprints of mushrooms, flowers, sunsets, and freighters are people – Linda uses our dock each morning – and I mean each morning – to catch bait for her 4 hour fishing trip, in her open boat, in Whitney Bay. Today the temp is 44 degrees – and it is June 1

Below is one sight and sound from our dock on Island Drummond. It may take a few seconds for the sound to load – but it will, so be patient.

Be sure to go to the Photo Page and see photos club members sent me – see if you can find the photographers unique fingerprint of their Island.