We arrive on Drummond – the rive is open – no icebreaker needed.

Some still walk on water – on an ice flow, that is!

See, this deer has expanded it’s territory – both spits of land are now his/her domaine – the ice makes it all like one.

This Robin found food in a little snow melt puddle.

Out in the gap, the freighter beats toward the Soo Locks – They have been open for some time now!

OOPS!, the weather on the Island if ofter fickle in the spring – can’t even see if a freighter is heading north this evening!

But when the sun is shinning the horses head for their beach – there is a sand pit placed by the barn for their pleasure on spring days like this!

So, create a snapshot album of your day – save and enjoy later – make relatives sit down and look at it too. You may not want to scroll down to the last snapshot – but I had to include it since I am showing a album of the real spring on Drummond!

I really hesitated placing this snapshot here – but this is a true story of spring – and last winter the coyote needed to survive also – and the subject shown here is no different then the ribs we had for our BBQ on the fourth!
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