In TGO Florida – If you can not social distance – wear the mask. Took this photo in TGO last week.
Do not forget to go to Dave’s photos on the TGO Photo Club page Click here
I am no longer in TGO, I am now on the Island – The Great Lake’s water level is up several feet.

Looking south into the open waters of Lake Huron beyond the gap in the center.
That makes it even more fun to live on the shore of Lake Huron. The geese families, the fishing boats, the snakes – Yes the snakes!!! I love seeing snakes – not petting them or anything like that.

Mead’s charter boat wake. I really enjoyed my bike ride this morning – checking out a family of geese – Mead, our local fishing charter made a wide berth around them as he waved good morning to me. You can see his path via his boat wake on the other side of the geese.

Poor tree with its feet stuck in the water.
The high water comes up around trees growing on the shore. Sorry to say it kills the trees. But I suggest you ponder the ways of nature. Say you, “I pondered it and I see no value in having the water kill a tree.” Well, if you were a Drummond Island water snake, a dead tree is better for sunning yourself than the sands of the New Jersey shore – that is for sure!

This is like the Jersey Shore for this water snake – bet you did not even see him laying there in the previous photo.

As you swing thru life – Enjoy the beauty and strange ways of nature – In fact, I suggest you find ways to marvel at them.
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