Now, see what a professional gardner can do – I December this garden looks better then my July garden!

Often worked here – was not old or on vacation then – I do not remember the sidewalk artwork then – maybe I was focused on the demands of IBM then!

I ask this gentleman why he came out on such a cold day and played the instrument – he had no bucked for donations – “Because I love to come out here” was his reply – then he got into to details of his teaching career – I think he came out here to find people like me who would listen to his story!

Why -In this case make a few bucks! — But I listened and gave a few bucks – Why because I love the folks of Central Park in the winter – in the summer too!

Please do not remove the horses from Central Park – they are not abused – they are required to be given a vacation in VT, I think it is, each year – sheltered in warm barns. They get petted all day long – feed and watered all day long – Perla would love it – and the “Animal right people” watch with ever increasing focus – looking for abuse so they can replace horses with an electric buggy????

I stood “HERE” and smiled! Who ever used the chalk that day made me happy – a smile an hour is important

When you get there – enjoy old age – but do not wait – Jump rope now and enjoy your vacations now – Much better, enjoy the next hour, day week, month ……… smile while you:- take a photo – study an art piece – play a sport – exercise – talk to animals – walk and talk with a friend – study folks doing what they do – savor a new taste – wonder at a new sight – ride a new vehicle – learn a new skill – listen and see a story – Most of all we try to make it a worry free fun experience.
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