First click PHOTO PAGE to the left – then return, scroll down, and see what I think about why we PHOTOGRAPH things.


I went to the Google and ask “Why do we take photos?”  Here is what I found:

  1. Capture Memories

2.  Capture Moments

3.  Tell Stories

4.  Communicate with Others

5.  Improve as a Photographer

That is what the internet said – I think it is a pretty compressive list – But I want to add  one more.

6.  Stop, Look, Enjoy, Wonder, Ponder, Smile

Taking photographs helps you see the story. You could take the photo and then trow it into the trash -YOU WOULD BE A WINNER  because just stopping to study the environment for your PHOTOGRAPH gave you so much more than just taking a quick glance.

Oh my, Did I just say, even if you do not have your camera, study the things around you as if you are looking for the best PHOTOGRAPHIC angle – YOU WILL BE A WINNER. I did, ’cause it is true.

Your brain will be working to see your story, your memory, your moment – so you got your dollars worth from your vacation, your walk in the woods, or your stroll through NYC.  You are A WINNER – whether you take the PHOTOGRAPH or not!

I was hiking in a Florida swamp area looking for things to photograph – saw this almost hidden cow – there turned out to be a herd of 6 adults and three young – I really enjoyed watching them for 15 minutes – nursing, eating swamp grass, etc.  I enjoyed watching them so much I almost forgot to snap a PHOTOGRAPH.   I WAS A WINNER.

Walking down a NYC street, I earned about NYC parking ’cause I was looking for things to PHOTOGRAPH. I WAS A WINNER.

Now, I was on a NYC mission to find examples of such parking – there were some many that the challenge was soon gone.  But I WAS A WINNER  ’cause I had a fun NYC mission for a while.

Markets are colorful Loved it – I WAS A WINNER. It was an opportunity to slow down and study to decide what to PHOTOGRAPH. I stood and watched  – Enjoyed the environment.

I did notice this – I drink my Cabernet. It is in liquid form!

A customer at a market.

Study the cloths – from shoes upward.- then concentrate on her concentration – I watched patiently and enjoyed every moment. I WAS A WINNER and I did this study while looking for when to snap the PHOTOGRAPHIC shutter.

I study clouds to see what angle will make the best PHOTOGRAPH

I saw 3 fish – When I study clouds I always see things that are not there – Every sky is a piece of abstract art – It is an art gallery that is free and always open to the PHOTOGRAPHER. I WAS A WINNER.

I saw a field mouse study this mushroom – then I went to PHOTOGRAPH what he saw. I WAS A WINNER.

Oh my, Even if you do not have your camera, study the things around you as if you are looking for the best PHOTOGRAPHIC angle – YOU WILL BE A WINNER