The Neanderthal may not have had the ability for complex speech like the Cro Magon (The ancestors of Homo sapiens) – us folks. So, how did they communicate? Maybe the answer is more like dogs and horses – through extensive use of their eyes.
Therefore, we photographers and artists are sort of Neanderthal – we communicate with images!!! Quiet – not like a Rock Band!

May I come in?
When I trained Dyna Mite the first thing I taught her was “Watch Me.” When we did agility competition – each course is unique and you must communicate with your dog-partner to tell them which obstacle to do next. I could run a new course with Dyna without saying a word – we communicated through my body language – she watched me. 10 years later she still watched people a lot!

Watching and body language

Watching – for food most likely but still communication with body language

I like this photo – voiceless communication!

Saying, I love you without a word spoken!
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