Power of suggestion – Subtle most often. But I am suggesting that you never just casually notice the clouded sky. Rather I want you to study the clouds.
But first a few comments on the power of suggestion found on the internet as I studied “Power of suggestion” this week:
Green stands for health – Grocery stores might place a table of green vegetables near the front to set your mind thinking they sell lots of healthy food here and I should eat healthy. The display is only a mental suggestion.
Orange stands for friendship and trust. Grocery stores might place a table of orange fruit near the front to set your mind to thinking this is a very friendly place to purchase groceries. The display is only a mental suggestion.
On the darker side, the power of suggestion can condemns innocent people.
It has been proven that if before viewing a police lineup, you hear someone say “I’m sure that the robber had a beard,” you’re more likely to point out a person with a beard, even if you’ve never seen him before, or even if you were sure that the robber was beardless just a few minutes ago. Suggestion alters your memory in such a way that you forget what you actually experienced.
I think in my last post I wrongly condemned the raccoon. Because I saw the raccoon’s picture on the label – right at the top of the animals.
I condemned the raccoon, even if the teeth marks were way too big for a raccoon
and the first bottle was completely missing. After listening to suggestions made by viewers that the marks are too big to have been made by a raccoon, I now think the culprit was that 12 foot gator that I have seen walk between the lake behind us and the one across the street. I think he swallowed the first bottle whole.
Anyway, the picture of the raccoon on the bottle first suggested to me who did it. Now, I erased that suggestion and never go out in the dark without a light, I now look for gators because Sandy, our naturalist, suggested I study the size of those tooth marks on the bottle – I did and my mind knows the culprit was the gator that I never saw – Or was it?
Now, I will show you the results of a suggestion made by my wife – just to be funny.

Just last week Gloria suggested I do something about my hair (on the left) which was not cut since February due to the Coronavirus restrictions. See, the result of her suggestion on the right.
On to me suggesting you study the beautiful cumulus clouds we have in Florida this time of year. It is impossible for me to look up at those clouds and not see images in the clouds. This hobby of cloud watching is a great way to spend time while being penned up by the Coronavirus.
Here are a few examples:

I see an image of a smiling face and arms reaching out.

At least three faces – maybe more.

Sometimes my mind adds to the image seen – here is as I saw it.

Here my mind added two puffs just for fun

As seen.

My mind saw a conversation happening.

As you swing thru life – Look at those beautiful cumulus clouds – find the images, let your mind be free to shape and add to them – the sky is the most beautiful art museum – and you can enter for free. Let me know if my sky watching suggestion has influenced how you look at clouds.
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