I call this an example of the “Minority” – A white and a red among the majority of yellow – racial integration in the wild flower community!

I call “Life Anew” one old like me and one new – ready to bring new life to the wild flower community!

OOPS! no beauty contes but “Spittlebug, common name for members of a family of plant-feeding insects, the nymphs of which cover themselves with a protective frothy material that looks like human spittle. Spittlebugs, like their relatives the aphids and cicadas, suck plant juices with their needlelike mouthparts. Although the bugs’ feeding can distort or stunt herbaceous plants, they are generally harmless. 23 species are distributed throughout North America.

What wildflower is this – Not “Queen Anne lace – is it?” Pretty anyway – but only a runner-up in my mind.

One more Wood lily” before I go – I sort of created this using Photoshop to rearranged and blurr some background.
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