I determined that our young people are too busy – too important – to have a fun hobby.

Young people are working, running kids from piano to soccer to tutoring, keeping the house tidy, staying on top of e-mails, stuff like that.  How can there be time for fun.?

It has become a badge of honor to say, “I’m too busy” – it is a sign of importance.  Any empty time they have they need to look busy – they squander precious time on social media – Facebook, email, netflix, or some other kind of digital poison. 

Well, here are 6 benefits of not squandering time and having a life passion – a fun hobby.

Don’t miss out on these benefits:

  1. STRUCTURE: Hobbies help you structure your “off work” morning or evening time – you schedule hobby time rather than just fill your  time by being busy.
  2. FUN: Psychological flow – TV and surfing the web is vegging out – it does not create that feeling you get when fully immersed in a mental challenge of a fun hobby or passion.
  3. FRIENDS: New social connections are found when birds of a feather meet.
  4. ATTRACTIVENESS:  WOW, if you have a hobby you have something to talk about – you become a more interesting person.
  5. SAFETY NET:  Not having all your eggs in one basket means not all eggs are broken when you have a bad day at the office, kids get a bad report. or whatever else make you gloomy.
  6. DOLLARS:  Hobbies give you zest and zest makes you better at work so you make more money to spend on you hobby!

Be a fun structured attractive rich person with lots of friends, even on a gloomy day. 

Start now doing that thing you always wanted to do. Not sure what to do – try beekeeping, painting, photographing butterflies, collecting dead wood that looks like it has a face in it. Collect clocks, rocks, or docks (Pictures of docks that is). Anyway don’t say “I am too busy.”

All of the following photos were sent to me within the last weeks – INTERESTING PEOPLE having something to say – sharing the zest of their hobbies with me. I smiled at each.

INTERESTING PEOPLE –  This photo is from Gloria in an art class – she sends me photos of work in process – it is as if I am there watching a piece of art being created – measuring and adjusting composition, texture, color, value, and shape.  I smiled.

INTERESTING PEOPLE – This one from Jim – You know what he said – “The barn in the background is full of antique motorcycles” Of course he meant it is full of horses. I smiled. You see he is really into motorcycles and Sue is really into horses.

INTERESTING PEOPLE – Sue sent me this photo to show her horse taking a break in the clover after a long ride. I smiled.

INTERESTING PEOPLE – Heather sent me this of her hobby – her dogs – here is a 150 pound one playing in the ocean surf. I smiled.

INTERESTING PEOPLE – Here is a friend taking my horse Perla to her new home. He explained to me his hobby of training horses – getting them to enjoy doing what he wants them to do – In this case walk into that dark, rusty cave that may be full of bad bears wanting to eat her. I smiled.

INTERESTING PEOPLE – Jackson won 6 to 0 in a soccer game in Barcelona, Spain – What a trip for a young lad – all because of his hobby of soccer. I smiled

INTERESTING PEOPLE – One of my best friends is very ill, he ask me to help him walk to the porch where he could sit and watch his friends in the pasture. This one came to say hello. My friend smiled, I smiled. All because of his and Tess’s hobby of horses.

Oh my – I have many hobbies as do others I know – some hobbies are so simple that when I look at my rose garden I see hidden things others my not see – like in the Yellow Rose garden above. Swing by – I will show you more in the next posts.