DAVE WROTE: Hi Jim, We took a ride up to Lake Ontario one day last week. Lake Ontario is about an hour and a half from Rome, NY. It is a great place to bird and photograph in the winter. It is a good place for wintering waterfowl and raptors. Here are a few pictures for the blog. A flying Red-tailed Hawk, Mute Swans, a Bufflehead and 2 Ruddy Duck. Mute Swans are not native to the US. They are established several places around theGreat Lakes and the Atlantic coat. Dave

01 08 02023 Dave Cesari

01 08 02023 Dave Cesari

01 08 02023 Dave Cesari

01 08 02023 Dave Cesari
I loved seeing winter ducks when we lived up north – Places like Block Island, RI. When I was watching Jeopardy last week, I knew they were Mute Swans and not Deaf Swans as I think one of the contestants said!
Since I love “street photography” (photographing what people or animals are doing in in their normal day-to-day activities), I see, in Dave’s photo of the swans, that one of the swans is listening to what the other one has to say about that duck swimming in front of them!
Like these two dogs in a Winter Park street, “What are they looking at?”:

What are those dogs looking at?

Oh, Now I see what they are looking at!

As you swing through life, have a great 2023 and every day share with a street scene with a friend.
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