Farmers Market Queens 2016 November – Think Roots!
In November we visited NY City – Stay with Marc and family in Queens – one of NY City boroughs. NY City is such a unique place that I can not help but spend much time out and about with my camera. Just yesterday with Florida friends we had lunch – I got to show off my NYC photos – They were amazed, they laughed, they “Oh My’ed”, they said “I could not go there unless you (me) were my guide”……..
The Sunday we were in NYC in November, we went to the Farmer’s market – where I took over 100 photographs. Here is one I loved so much, I kinda made a piece of art of it:

“peu pétunia à partir d’un patch de l’oignon”
Translated to English is “Little petunia from an onion patch”
I went to the web-site of The Famer’s Marker – Here is what I found:
Located in front of the Forest Hills Post Office, this neighborhood Greenmarket boasts a variety of locally grown, fresh products. Throughout the season, the market will offer free cooking demonstrations, kids activities, and the opportunity to mingle with neighbors, all while getting to know the regional farmers who grow your food. Come back each week to learn about the healthful and flavorful benefits of eating what is fresh and in season.

Farmers Market Queens 2016 November – The onion’s roots and beet’s roots.
Community activities, cooking demonstrations and recipe exchanges will add to the diverse nature of this market.
Attending Year Round
American Pride Seafood Wild-caught fish and shellfish from Suffolk County, NY
Bread Alone Artisan breads, mostly certified Organic, and pastries from Ulster County, NY
Consider Bardwell Farm Animal Welfare Approved raw cow and goat milk cheeses, and wood-fired maple syrup from Rutland County, VT
Dipaola Turkey Farm Turkey from Mercer County, NJ
Divine Brine Pickled products and chutneys from Suffolk County, NY
Gajeski Produce Vegetables from Suffolk County, NY

Farmers Market Queens 2016 November – The texture of roots
Garden of Eve Certified Organic vegetables from Suffolk County, NY
Goodale Farms Vegetables and dairy from Suffolk County, NY
King Ferry Winery Wine from Cayuga County, NY
Red Jacket Orchards Orchard and small fruit, fresh juices and preserves from Ontario County, NY
Ronnybrook Farm Dairy milk, yogurt, butter and ice cream from Columbia County, NY
Terhune Orchards orchard fruit from Dutchess County, NY
Attending Winter Only
Nature’s Way Farm Honey & candles from Chemung County, NY
Attending Growing Season Only
Amantai Farm Vegetables, Mexican specialty produce, free-range poultry, honey, herbs, and eggs from Lehigh County, PA.

Farmers Market Queens 2016 November – Carrot roots!
Andrew’s Local Honey Honey and honey products from Fairfield County, CT
B & Y Farms Animal Welfare Approved pork, lamb, poultry, eggs, and bison raised on certified organic feed and unsprayed hay and pasture, as well as flowers, yarn, and fleeces from Tioga County, NY
Blue Oyster Cultivation Mushrooms from Tompkins County, NY
Holy Schmitt’s LLC, Philip A Schmitt & Sons Farm Fresh and prepared horseradish from Nassau County, NY
Las Delicias Patisserie Baked goods from Bronx County, NY
Nolasco’s Farm Vegetables, Mexican specialty produce and herbs from Warren County, NJ
Sawkill Farm, Robertson Farms Vegetables, berries, eggs, and pork from Dutchess County, NY
Lara Bock, manager, owes it to the beautiful North Carolina for introducing her to farming, and local, healthy foods. There she studied History and Political Science at a farm school. She was surrounded by her farming friends, and eating locally from their farm and garden. Ever since then she has made it a practice to eat healthy, and support farming. It thrills her to continue this practice here, in the city where her roots are, in her native New York.

Love touring NYC with Camera – or iPhone camera
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