I love to relate to my family in all that I do. For example, My Granddaughter is in college studying in the performing arts. I heard that a summer job doing stand-up comic may be in her future.
That potential job caught my attention. You see, I think stand-up comic is just like the sit-down comic I do with PhotoShop. So, I started researching stand-up comedy.
Jerry Seinfeld says stand-up comics explore their life for material. He says, funny “comic material” is in everything and everybody they meet. That is me – it is the way I think – every photograph I take with my camera contains material for a funny PhotoShop photograph.
So you see, Maya and I have the joy of laughing at everyday happenings in common – I love it! Looking forward to one of Maya’s Stand-Up comedy sets if she gets the opportunity.

In New Jersey hot dogs by the boardwalk and playing in the waves at the beach are a way of life. But how are you going to sell hot dogs to the consumer dressed in a wet suit?

Take the hot dog dinner to the consumer, of course.

Lazy days in New Jersey are for reading and strolling the streets – but what are the dangers of reading – be it laying down with a book or be it reading your phone while strolling.

Are you watching where you are walking while on the phone – falls are often the number one killer of older people.

Now this tree has a shapely body but it needs a beautiful face to go with the body.

Heather to the rescue!

As you swing through life, be a stand-up or sit-down comic – laugh and help others laugh.
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