I love to walk in the woods with camera in hand. I see lots of things others may not want to photograph – This one is a stump of a fallen Palm Tree – a foot or so of the outer bark turned inside and fell to the ground. This is as shot – no photoshop. Nikon D5300, Tamron 18-270mm, f4.8, 46mm. Auto flash did not fire.

This photo gave me an opportunity to practice some basic elements of art design (with photoshop) that I have been studying about – and since I like surreal art – truth is not required. Key elements are 1. Lines (curved or straight), 2. shapes we recognize, 3. dimension (depth), 4. texture, 5. repeating pattern, 6. color. Have I clearly used any of these elements in creating this surreal spider and dragon fly from the original photograph? (Dragon fly is above the spider’s left eye)

I hope to keep making surreal photos from real ones I take on my favorite walks in my favorite Florida outdoors! and learn more about art and culture, music, etc
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