Dave wrote: Hi Jim, Here are some pictures for the blog. An adult Cooper’s Hawk. This bird was hanging around the bird feeders in our back yard this morning. I’m sure this is the same bird I sent you pictures of a week or so ago. Cooper’s Hawks are bird hunters. I’m sure she was looking to grab a bird for a meal. I have found feathers of Morning Doves around the yard that were probably her kills. Female raptors are larger than males. She is quite large so I believe she is a female. We love to see raptors around our yard and to photograph them. Dave

Dave 1/29/2025

Dave 1/29/2025

Dave 1/29/2025

Dave 1/29/2025
I wrote: Read the photograph and look at the images within the photograph – I put them there to tell my story:

01 29 2025

As you swing through life,take time to reflect on the importance of the homelife you provide.
March 11, 2025 at 9:36 pm