1. I read a lot of “Novels” of ancient folks – 17,000 years ago as we were just becoming socially human – Singing is an ancient art form. People living in less technological societies than our own still sing as a central way of being together. There are no distinctions between audience and performers, no-one watches on passively. — Now you know why I seldom passively sit and watch TV – I am ancient!
2. I worked a number of years in Scandinavia and I liked their way of thinking – A recent study at the University of Stockholm showed that Scandinavia men and women get an oxytocin high when they sing – during pregnancy, lactation, and sex. —I did not make that up!!! – In case you have been motivated – I say SAS is a great way to fly!
3. Being of Germanic background, I know we are very serious at times, and always need a reason to do what we do – Dr Kreutze at Frankfurt University sampled singer’s saliva before and after singing. He proved that our secretion of antibodies is increased when we sing, so our immunity is boosted! — so submit the cost of you voice lessons to your health insurance provider!

As a kid, I have had a snake bit or two – but never while singing – or playing the flute or what ever! So, making music is good for your health.
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