Before reading on, Dave Cesari posted again on the TGO Photo Club Page – Click here
Our Club Leadership Team consists of Linda Somers, Susan Hubbard, Ed Swan, Donald Wyllie, Linda Lublin, Jim Dick, Jim Spain, Doug Jensen, and Nancy Presant.
The goal of these folks is to help us learn how to make better photos, help us share the photos that we take, help us have fun doing it, and since many functions in the community need photographs taken, we offer that service.
The Education committee, arranged for an education session last night. In my judgement, It was SUPER OUTSTANDING: Here is their announcement:
“This Friday, January 24, at 7:00 PM in the Nature Center, Photo Club is happy to present professional photographer Shiv Verma speaking on Composition in photography. From his business base in Massachusetts, Shiv Verma Photography
Shiv conducts photo tours and workshops around the world. He is a past presenter at Titusville’s Space Coast Birding and Wildlife festival and will be at the Festival’s Exhibit Center (Free Admission) this week serving as a Panasonic/Lumix Ambassador.
Nature and wildlife are two of his special interests. He thinks of photography as art and says, “Photography gives me the ability to express and to communicate ideas that cannot be expressed in words.”
Susan Hubbard, TGO Photo Club Secretary”
Last November while resting from surgery, I developed a study process on the subject of “Composition.” I generally study on average 60 minutes each day. I use various sources including internet research and reading 5 digital books that I have purchased. In addition I play around with PhotoShop to try a composition, change it, and compare it to the knowledge I find in my sources. I stand back to see if I like the change and to see if I think a viewer will stay “looking” at my image for a long time. That is really the goal of composition. The viewer may like it, be relaxed by it, be angered by it, be frustrated by it, be made to recall an event in their life by it, or what ever. But, in the end, if the viewer looks at the image a long time, that image is a winner.
Hopefully I will learn a lot through my studying. If not, I sure find my study process a lot of fun:
Here are a couple of “in-process” PhotoShop studies of mine:

Jan 2020 Jim Brubaker Composition study

Jan 2020 Jim Brubaker Composition study

Jan 2020 Jim Brubaker Composition study

Jan 2020 Jim Brubaker Composition study

Jan 2020 Jim Brubaker Composition study

As you swing thru life – I urge you to set time aside each day to study something – ’cause at the end of a month you will smile about it – Isn’t it fun to feel you know something you did not know last month.
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