I enjoy being out and about – So, I use “taking photos” as my excuse to be out and about where ever I am. Always looking for photos of things that others may not notice. I, also, enjoy reading many subjects – most of my readings put me to sleep very early – HaHa!
Since leaving the Island, I have been studying the the creation of inequality in Neanderthals and Homo sapiens, I been studying the six elements of design as applied to photography, I been reading about the negotiation techniques used by the FBI, I have studied the returning soldier’s challenges of becoming a civilian and Governments role in that transition – see what I mean about sleep!
Last week I even taught a 2 hour class on elements of design in photo composition. Two of those elements are “Patterns” and “Texture” –
So, I checked my photo library. Here a few “Pattern or Texture” photos I have taken. It was fun to pick them out for you:
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