DAVE WROTE: Hi Jim, Here are some pictures for the blog. A Red-tailed Hawk that we found on the back fence behind the runway of the old air base here in Rome NY. Bird was quite cooperative and did not fly as we stopped the car opposite it. I believe this was a northern Canadian bird as they have migrated down to the upper US. Most local birds are so spooky that you can not even slow down before they fly off. As I have said before I especially love the raptors and love to photograph them. I was shooting with my big 500 mm so as the bird flew toward me I was not able to get it completely in the frame. A strange winter up here very mild. No snow at all here bare ground with green grass. Dave

01 20 2023 Dave Cesari

01 20 2023 Dave Cesari

01 20 2023 Dave Cesari

01 20 2023 Dave Cesari
Bear with me – I am just starting to learn video. This morning I was watching a dozen birds perched on the ridge-line of my neighbors house. What I enjoyed was the contest between two for the peak position.
I am learning to crop videos – this bird battle was pretty far away for my iphone to capture. But with the cropping you can see that the bird on the peak is telling the other bird to “Get out of here, I own the peak.”:

As you swing through life, please enjoy the nature around you. Photograph it to show others what you saw & to help you see what others might have missed.
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