Now that we have cell phone cameras, I bet many of you are like me – you have thousands of photographs that are not great but they are things you wanted to “snap.” I “snap” a photo each time I see something beautiful or unusual.
For example, on the unusual side I have photographed a one legged bird on the seashore. I saw a water bird catch a big fish, toss it up in the air to get the fishes head pointed down it’s gullet. It was unusual enough for me to snap a photo of it.It is unusual for me to see Santa Clause hanging lights on a tree, especially a palm tree in 80 degree Florida. I have snapshots of each of these and thousands of other unusual things.
On the beautiful side, I love the beauty of clouds, of an antlered deer, of flowers in bloom, of my landscape flowerpot that I planted with a Bromelaid. Not to mention the snapshots of my beautiful Grandchildren.
I would probably get arrested if I got caught photographing the bikini images on the beach but photos of the beautiful flight of gulls leaving my beach to follow the charter fishing boat returning with a load of fish is OK. I have “snapped” all of these and many more.
The reason I told you all of this is to explain something I did on my computer this week. First, I noticed each photo had two parts to it. It had a subject of interest and a back ground.
Second, I wondered what would happen to the photo if I isolated the subject and created an abstract painting for the background.
Third, I created six of them. I isolated the beautiful yellow flower. I tried to use colors and lines in my created background to better highlight the flower while creating a comfortable image for your eyes and your mind. I wanted to design photo images that you could hang on your wall. Then you could pour a glass of wine, sit in your comfortable chair, and enjoy staring at the image on your wall:

Abstract 1

Abstract 2

Abstract 3

Abstract 4

Abstract 5

Abstract 6

As you swing through life, imagine abstract fun. Then sit back in your comfortable chair with a drink and and enjoy the image in front of you
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