My friend said “Is that a Night Heron” – after study say we say “We think it is a TriColored Heron – Dumpy looking guy in the marsh edge.”

But, when he walks out into the stream, I would say he is regal, not dumpy at all. Do you not think as I do – This is the same bird as in the marsh edge? Wish I could improve my looks that much – just by getting out and about!

Then up close – I see a red eye – like a Night Heron – but the rest of the plumage is not Night Heron – so I say TriColored – And I am sticking to it!

Our noses (beaks) are the same size but different color – Says one to the other “You OK with that?”

“Yipes, I was OK with the different color but the different size I don’t know”

Hey – what kind of Hair spray do you use – I am having one H…. of a bad hair day!”

Official Tricolored bird identification photo from the web
Oh- here is some info on the Tri:
Adults have a blue-grey head, neck, back and upperwings, with a white line along the neck. The belly is white. In breeding plumage, they have long blue filamentous plumes on the head and neck, and buff ones on the back.
The tricolored heron stalks its prey in shallow or deeper water, often running as it does so. It eats fish, crustaceans, reptiles, and insects.
Look at the “official” photos – Did my friend and I identify correctly?

Another Official Tricolored bird identification photo from the web
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