This year the Club is active – it is alive – it is fun. Last week we had 33 folks at our Friday meeting when Kris Lee-Scott gave us insights to the camera we most often have with us – the Cell Phone Camera.
In the next weeks I will feature Photo Club’s members who spent hours contributing to the Club and who have done many many projects to make this Club the success that it is this year.
Our Club Leadership Team consists of Linda Somers, Susan Hubbard, Ed Swan, Donald Wyllie, Linda Lublin, Jim Dick, Jim Spain, Doug Jensen, and Nancy Presant. Thanks to them and all the other members that offered their help at every step of the way. Thanks!
In this issue of the blog I want to talk about sharing. We all love to share our photos and seeing other member’s photos. I ask members what they like most about our meetings – SHARING IS THE CONSISTENT ANSWER!
Today, on this blog, I am featuring two of our “Photo Sharing” members. More Club members that make the club a success will be featured on future blog updates.
1. Dave Cesari, as he did today, shares by posting almost every week on TGO Photo Club Page (Click here or in lefthand to see Dave’s postings).
2. Jim Dick, is dedicated to sharing:
First, Jim Dick has hung almost 40 of his own photos in the TGO library. He alone has taken on this project and has maintained and updated the photos on the library walls for many years. If you have not seen them, please make a special trip to our library to see what Jim has done there.
Second, One of Photo Clubs projects is to give each member these platforms on which to share their photos – the Manor Lobby, the Manor porch, and the CSA office. The committee of JimDick, Jim Spain, and Ed Swan hang dozens of photos on these walls. Well, they do not do it alone – the whole club chips in to help but Jim Dick and the committee organize the whole thing. They will be organizing the hanging of new photos on the Manor porch in February. Be sure to give Jim Dick at least one of your photos to hang there and offer to help and be a part of the project.
Third, Jim Dick posts many times a week on the TGO Nature Center Facebook Group page. Become a member of the group to share your nature photos and to see all the photos that group members share there.
Here are several of Jim Dick’s photos that I borrowed from the Nature Center’s Facebook Group’s page. I really enjoy the variety of nature shots and want to say – from the whole Photo Club – Thanks to Jim Dick:

Jim DIck’s photo 1/10/2020 borrowed from TGO Nature Center’s Facebook Group’s page

Jim DIck’s photo 1/10/2020 borrowed from TGO Nature Center’s Facebook Group’s page

Jim DIck’s photo 1/10/2020 borrowed from TGO Nature Center’s Facebook Group’s page

Jim DIck’s photo 1/10/2020 borrowed from TGO Nature Center’s Facebook Group’s page

Jim DIck’s photo 1/10/2020 borrowed from TGO Nature Center’s Facebook Group’s page

Jim DIck’s photo 1/10/2020 borrowed from TGO Nature Center’s Facebook Group’s page

Jim DIck’s photo 1/10/2020 borrowed from TGO Nature Center’s Facebook Group’s page

As you swing thru life – Stop a moment, find a photo club member and say thanks for sharing your photos and for reenforcing, with your photos, the “Great Outdoors” in the The Great Outdoors.”
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