This pondering bird got me to pondering about our Constitution – What if we really had to start over – the constitution got destroyed. – The US was made into an empty frontier again, our population was held constant but 95 of every 100 of us was replaced by folks from other ways of thinking (from other countries) – Would we be generous, hardworking,and smart enough to create a constitution as great as those guys did 230 years ago? Would we have the basic rights that you have today in your neighborhood?

This is doggy world in our little community – a dog party every day at 4 o’clock – we decided to build it and have a daily doggie party – it is our basic right to do that – the Constitution said local folks could decide to do that – it is our Basic Right to decide ourselves how to smile and have fun.

Thanks to those hardworking founders of our Constitution – “That is what I say! Ben Franklin said “The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself.” Not all countries allow that pursuit.

A segment of Christian community folks decided to build this church. If the wanted to, they could , allow other religious groups to use it for their services, work with the total community to help maintain services such as sewage, water, and landscaping – How could they do this – The Constitution gave them the Basic Right to do this. How many of the other 95% of the worlds population could do what this church membership did?

If we decide to preserve and maintain conservation areas like this, we can pursue that – We can work with local donations, local government, State government, and the Federal government – The Constitution gave us that Basic Right.
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