I am a photo artist. We artist are all alike: 1. We all want the viewers to say “Oh My”. and 2. We all know there are 8 guiding dimensions to consider when creating a piece of art.
To be successful, all the artist needs to do is bring the first 7 dimensions together so that number 8 gets the “Oh My.” Simple as that:
- exposure – from dull moody to bright strongly expressive
- tone – from racy high contrast to soft low contrast
- color – from vivid colors to excite senses to pastels that quiet the senses
- focus – from an all in focus flat photo to some out of focus to give depth
- axis – from the rule of thirds, to leading the viewer to the subject, to making the viewer find the subject
- objectivity – from recording all facts to being selective
- complexity – from the subject standing alone, to its interactions with other elements, to abstraction like floating clouds.
- viewer response – “Oh My”, that image makes me relaxed, angry, laugh, dream of another time, …….
If a photo artist did not get any one of the first 7 dimensions correct, they can improve their errors by using PhotoShop. But, there is no PhotoShop for Viewer Response corrections.
See, you are starting to understand the artist’s challenge already.
First, study these images in light of the 7 Dimensions:

Contrast (2), rule of thirds(5)

Interaction with the elements(7), rule of thirds(5)

Color(3), emotion(6), rule of thirds(5)

Abstract color(3), interesting, complex, axis, find the object (5), rule of thirds(5)

Same art, different color(2/3)

Peaceful, Calm, Tone(2/3)
Did you study the images? Bet you can do better than the artist. See, nothing to it.
But, now that you are so smart, how does the artist correct number 8? How do they correct things to get the “Oh My!”
The light bulb just went off in my head. The artist must know what response they want and from whom. Is that a novel idea: “You need to know what you want in order to know if you got it!”
Listen artists – Here is the road to success. Use these two Brubaker dimensions (number 9 and 10). Success is not guaranteed, but it is the best you can ever do!
9. Intended viewer group – Know who you want to view the art – for example, I want both Republicans and Democrats to view my art titled, “Evening News – Election Results”
10. Intended response – I want Republicans to say “Oh My” and Of course I want the Democrats to say “Oh My,” – How can that be with one piece of art?

Is the Donkey saying: “I am now the boss, thank you Mr. Elephant for the apples. If I want anything else I will call you when I wake up.” or Is the Elephant saying: ” You fought hard and you are exhausted. I offer these apples as my sincere condolence.”
See what you think of the “Oh My” response I wanted from the viewer on these photo/art images:

Feel doggie love – “Pet me”

Love a horse’s inquisitive nature – “What are you doing”

Relax, relax, enjoy

Feel the excitement of Free Energy

Joy of talking with a little friend – maybe about those Disco Nights

Love of nature – Nature is a world wide art gallery

Babies are cute – beautiful and restful at the same time or Fear – “How do I get back into the nest?”

Pride – “We are special, don’t touch us.”
P.S. Of course we writers want an “Oh My” on things we write – So, now that you have read what I wrote, in unison say “OH MY!”

Sometimes you respond when you saw what i want you to see
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