I wrote: What beautiful story in photographs by Dave. I have often seen the evidence of such a story. I have seen it in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and in Michigan – but never recorded has Dave did. Enjoy his photos.

Sunday, I will post right here a one photo story of some things that happened within the last 30 days. I combined 10 or more photos into one photograph to tell my story. It is Sunday – Here is the photo I made: (SCROLL DOWN UNTIL AFTER DAVE’S PHOTOS, I WROTE A STORY ABOUT WHAT I WAS THINKING WHEN I MADE THIS PHOTO.)

Dave wrote: Hi Jim, Here are more pictures for the blog. First  an adult Red-tailed Hawk with a rabbit in our back yard. Next an immature Northen Harrier on the remains of the rabbit the next morning. Then an immature Red-tailed Hawk flew in and chased off the Harrier. It perched on one of my bird houses  then flew off. We got a full foot of new snow overnight. Some different from TGO in February.   Dave

02 04 2021 DAVE CESARI

02 04 2021 DAVE CESARI

02 04 2021 DAVE CESARI

02 04 2021 DAVE CESARI

02 04 2021 DAVE CESARI

HERE IS MY STORY:  The human brain expects us to have others around us – to be together (with Covid that means at least six feet apart, in a blog, on zoom, or on our cell-phones).  Much of the time that we are together we tell each other stories about what we saw and what we thought. 

I was thinking that now days things happen fast and are highly technical with digital equipment. Oh my, by the way, did you know that the average new car has 100 micro-chips built into it?

Moving on with my story: In our neighborhood, each set of two poles carrying electric cables were replaced by one pole in an hour or two. Lots of digital equipment designed the new poles and guided their placement in the ground.  A lot of bystanders, including me, used digital phones to photograph the poles being replaced.

This week, most of us saw Punxsutawney Phil look for his shadow.  Lots of complex digital computers were needed to show us that in the morning news on Feb 2.

How about the digits used to create and display on our tv’s the hype on the upcoming football game – to research the history and calculate the odds  of the two star quarterbacks.  Lots of things happen that require computers and micro-chips. 

Here in Titusville we hardly take notice any more when a rocket takes off for the space-station or Mars.  How about the work being done to protect us from the Covid-19.  Air-force 1 flies one president to Florida and returns to DC with the “atomic football” in time for the next President to have it and the secret code by his side. Bernie’s mittens raised almost two million dollars for charity over night.  These things all happened within the last week or so and each one used a lot of digital devices filled with micro-chips.  I love thinking about it all.

Thanks for reading my story.  I made the following photo to illustrate my story.   I am glad we could be together and that I could tell my story through the words of this  blog, my digital camera, and PhotoShop.

As a side thought:  I think a million robins found their way to Florida overnight without micro-chips. I placed the robin up on the pole to illustrate that sub-story.

As you swing thru life – use the digits in your cell phone camera to build your photo story to show those around you.