Go look at Dave’s photos of the Snail Kite – The best after years of photographing them, says he – Click TGO Photo Club pages to the left.
_______________HERE IS MY SUCCESS and HAPPINESS THOUGHTS_________________
I was not sure of the relationship of happiness and success. So, I went to the internet to find out!
The internet was not a lot of help – but after pondering the question a bit I know that I see happiness in the face of those that succeed – but maybe if we ponder we will discover there is more to it than that – so let’s start pondering by looking at yesterday.
Yesterday, 110 people attended Gloria’s reception in our community’s restaurant, the Blue Heron. 110 is twice the number she expected. She is still floating on cloud nine after that much success. Gloria organized and promoted the reception to honor the 20 artists that created 50 pieces of art for her gallery that decorate the walls of the Blue Heron restaurant.

Gloria superimposed on the Reception room ready for guests – Does her face show the spark of happiness that sparks success!
The reception was two hours long. The air was electric – every artist felt the sparks that success puts into the air. I know they were thinking: “WOW, all of these people paid to come and visit with me and see my art – WOW!”
Yesterday, Dave Cesari – a dedicated experienced photographer of birds – wrote this to me – “I’ve shot (photographed) Snail Kites on and off for years but I think these are the best I’ve ever shot.” Does that sound like success? WOW

Just one beautiful successful shot (photograph)
I know Dave enjoys his passion for bird photography – and his success at it makes him smile.
I know Gloria enjoys her passion for art and her passion to help others find joy in her interests – and her success makes her smile.
So, say I, maybe I really do know the answer to this question – “Happiness is a result of success?”
But, I did say there may be more too it. You see, after I pondered it, I think I got it backward – I now think “Success is the result of happiness” – If you are happy doing what you do, you will succeed.
Gloria pursues your passion – the thing she loves to do – That is why she is successful.
Dave pursues the Snail Kites for years – a thing he loves to do, and that is success.
So I went to the internet again and looked for quotes about happiness and success and I found these three:
“Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.” by Pele
Happiness lies in the thrill of creative effort and doing what you love to do. by Franklin D. Roosevelt
The real secret of success is enthusiasm – doing what you love to do. by Walter Chrysler.
So, do your own pondering, make your own quote, and tune what you do accordingly.
Oh my, I love playing with PhotoShop & I love putting the result here for you to see – so I guess I am successful:

Cuba – Old Cars & Two National Birds

Cuba – Cigar & Rum & two National Birds

A TGO morning – two singing birds

On the TGO Nature Trail – two eyes looking at you

A fallen palm tree on the TGO Nature Trail – and a Valentine for you

Quote by Jim Brubaker: “Oh my, as you swing through life, be happy by doing what you like & you will never work a day in your life – and you will have a life of success.”
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