An American Idiom: If you have to sing for your supper, you have to work to get the item you want to purchase.
“Sing for Your Supper” is an American popular song by composer Richard Rodgers and lyricist Lorenz Hart. The song was debuted in their 1938 Broadway musical “The Boys from Syracuse”, The lyrics describe a singer performing to earn his meals. The song has been recorded by Rudy Vallée, Count Basie, Mel Tormé, Helen Humes, the Mamas & the Papas and Cher.
One verses Lyrics:
Sing for your supper
And you’ll get breakfast
Songbirds always eat
If their song is sweet to hear

Was it not a great invention to put music radios in cars? Young Duds crank theirs up so loud it vibrates my car when I sit next to them at a traffic light – I crank mine up because I do not hear so well anymore! I guess, the folks in middle age just have to put up with us young and us old folks.
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