Linda Somers is featured on the TGO Photo Club Page – but first read, below, what I have to say about the club. Yes, my intent is to brag about our Club.
The Club invites you to join them and enjoy a wonderful group of people. We meet at the Nature Center on the first and third Friday at 1:00 pm. Ed Swan (321-269-3682) leads the meetings and organizes the agenda to accommodate a wide variety of interests in photography.
Read on – I’ll tell you of some of those interests:
You all know one of my hobbies is to take a photograph and use PhotoShop to change that photograph.
Lets look at more interests of TGO Photo Club members:
Photographer Dave Cesari, whom I really like and respect, says “If you do it right the first time you do not need to change it!” – Dave does get it right each time and post often on the clubs website – I love his works and his comment.
But say I, “By playing around with photoShop and attending club meetings, my mind is better trained on how to get the shot I want – It trains my mind to take a better photo in the first place.”
Another photographer, Nancy Presant, says, “I really enjoy our club.” Why? Because she gets to take club members on field trips to enjoy shooting photos in zoos, wildlife sanctuaries, on boat trips, and many others locations – I think she and some members enjoy the social aspects of photography.
Some of our members enjoy taking photos of wildlife. Every day you can find them photographing TGO wildlife at the nature trail bridge. Then, on a daily basis, they post their photos on the Nature Center’s Facebook page.
Some members want to learn to better use their cell phone camera to snap photos of their Florida home and send photos back to their family up north – maybe to rub in our warm weather a little:
We, also, take great pride in hanging photos on the walls of TGO.
Check out the walls of our library – It is a one member show, by Jim Dick.
How about the back-porch of the Manor. Almost 50 brand new photographs by many members. Susan Hubbard, also, maintains a motion triggered video panel on one of the walls with dozens of member’s photos.
Do you know that the CSA office wall holds 10 photos by the club members:
The Manor Lobby is decorated with 3 large photos by member, Doug Jensen.
Hope I was able to show you what a great club the TGO Photo Club is and why I am so proud to be a member of it.
Join us in the Nature Center at our Friday meetings. Bring your ideas and your photos to share – anything from simple iPhone photos to precision photos from professional cameras – all are welcome.
If you would like to show us your photo techniques – Ed will find a spot in our Friday meetings for you to give us your insight. That is how it is – we learn from each other.
Note: the website in the Happenings is incorrect. The correct address is Linda Somers is the featured photographer there today.
See you at our Manor Porch reception on March 2. Come meet the photographers.
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