7 Photos came together for this seventh project! Gloria’s Art Gallery, Me with Sue’s Mini Cooper Rally on the Mackinaw Bridge, Elden’s camp fire on Drummond,  Dyna’s smiling face, TGO’s road work signs, and one of my Drummond’s sunset all came together into one photo – as if by magic.  – Oh I forgot to mention that the 7th photo – the sunset in the middle –  is really a close up of a watermelon half!

Charlie’s dog finds baby bird – of course Dyna watches. Photos included frosty morning in NJ, Heather walking dogs, and unique ducks at Florida High School)

Shopping via the internet with Jim – he lives near the coast. I know the beautiful hard wood forest and the vistas from the lighthouse on Block Island – and of course Dyna – Guess that is why I put it all together.

New York City and maybe the Oscars – not real anyway

Oh my – New York City in 2020 or is it 1776 discussing our Nation’s politics. Of course Dyna is watching.

Dyna is everywhere

even here

As you swing thru life – Here is my thinking – Take 2 hours each day, for a week, and see what you can do – I found it fun – I may even try it again?