We take photos for one of three reasons:
- Document – “Botanical, like so many bird photos”
- Share – “Oh my, see what I saw happen today, like Funniest Home Video”
- Art – “Hang on the wall, could be one of the first two or could be a up-close macro photo, or a pure abstract creation from a photo using PhotoShop, as I often do”
In each of the three cases the composition elements must all be of good quality to keep the viewer enjoying the image for a long time.
So, it is a good idea to study your photos and ask yourself how you could improve the composition elements. – It will help you become a better photographer next time, no matter if you are documenting, sharing, or shooting art.
Here is one photo I studied and ask the question of composition quality to myself:

The original iPhone photo – unaltered.

After studying the original, I pretended I opend up the aperture and shot at a higher speed

Same as the second one but I gave the center a little more light to get contrasting color values around the flower

Then I just had to play around and create abstract art of the Banana Plant flower

As you swing thru life -You can study without being a student – just clown around and laugh at your own results! You will know if could have improved the shot you are studying. Next time you will be a better photographer without even thinking about it.
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