I quietly approached this guy – I Know my dog breeds – but what is he? He is beautiful – yet not quite dog like – Coyotes are often seen in parts of the country where I like to live – Texas, northern Michigan, etc – I knew this guy was special – So, I ask the person holding the leash. I was told “He is half dog, half coyote” — very special, very BEAUTIFUL – I enjoyed hunting him with my D5300

Then, I hunted tongues to shoot. “A blue tongue to match the Blue Blood.” That is what the person with him told me.

A huntin’ I will go for more tongues of interest – I found it – took out my trusty D5300 and got this proper “Country Club Girl” wearing a visor to match the tongue. See how I see things?

But, alas, fire hydrants make some dogs have a need to go – I think one of these pups might jump the mobile home for a trip to the fire hydrant bathroom! That is how I see it.

Then I saw the beautiful Queen of Yorkshire. The other dog? – Civil Service Body Guard! – That is how I see it.

I know this vehicle is owned by good people — How do I know that? – Would you use this “Stand-Out In A Crowd Car” as get-away car in a bank robbery? Fine people own this car — that is what I see.
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