After Daves photos, I posted a story about my mind or maybe lack there of. – Tell me what you think.


Hi Jim,  Here are some pictures for the blog.  We have had an adult and ant immature Red-tailed Hawk hanging around our area for the past two or three weeks. Here is  a shot of the adult on a freshly killed rabbit two days ago. It left the carcass and today an immature Red-tail was at the carcass. I am quite pleased with the flying shots of the bird. I  was right on it as it took off. Some of the best flight shots of a Red-tail I have ever gotten.  For not being down at TGO we are having a very good winter.    Taking lots of pictures. Dave

02 15 2021 Dave Cesari

02 15 2021 Dave Cesari

02 15 2021 Dave Cesari

02 15 2021 Dave Cesari

02 15 2021 Dave Cesari

02 15 2021 Dave Cesari

02 15 2021 Dave Cesari



Seeing One From Many, My Nonsense Mind

I love creating Photo Abstract Realism. Starting with a base photo and adding many other photo images to create an image that is not real but attempts to adhere to good photo composition, color values, and focus point. Every time I create a abstract realism my mind is not blank, as some my think.  There is always something on my mind.  Let me tell you:

Years ago I worked with all the countries in Europe and the computer development business in the United States. One part of my job was to help each country’s sales force work with the developers here in the States to make sure the documents and the computer screens they were creating could be translated into each country’s languages.  There are many aspects to that challenge including making sure there is enough space on the screen for translation into the German language – some of German words are much longer then ours here in the USA.

But today I was thinking about two other aspects of the job. About things that are local to a country – For example, if I said to you older folks here in the US , “Body by Fisher,”  you most likely know I was speaking about General Motor advertisements.  They used “Body by Fisher” to describe their automobile bodies.  But, European translators may think i was talking about “Cadaver by Fisher.”

Then I thought about the use of homonyms in computer documentation and in the examples in  instruction books.  Homonyms were always to be used with caution because language translators are not sure of the context of the use of a homonym.  For example, if I said “Cardinals”, am I speaking about beautiful red birds or speaking of those people second to the Pope in the Roman Catholic Church, or speaking of the baseball team in St Louis.  

Thus, that is where my mind was while creating the “Cardinal, cardinal, cardinal” abstract realism below.

I know we need stop signs but some times I think we have more signs then normal people need.  Well, more then I need.  Even without a sign,  I am not likely to stick my hand in the mouth of a gator — or am i?  I have done lots of dumb things in my life.  Signs, I am sure, saved me from doing more dumb things.

Actually I am always on the look-out for signs I should have had and signs that make me laugh.  For example, the time I jumped onto my tractor on my ranch in Texas and sat on the seat without looking.  I should have had a sign telling me to look at the seat first to be sure there was not a six foot rat snake curled up there like there was.  YIPES.  

Just today, a man and woman thought I did a dumb thing even though there was a sign right in front of me. Just as I snapped the base photo for the “Signs” abstract realism below that man and woman stood on the road behind me and screamed at me like a mother screams at her two year about to touch a hot stove.  I really was glad their screams did not scare and anger the gator or I might have been in real trouble.  Gators can get up and turn around faster than I can. 

But, I kept my eye on the gator and thanked the couple kindly for their concern, ’cause I wanted a close-up for the base photo of my abstract on gator warning signs.

Cardinal, cardinal, cardinal


As you swing thru life – Dream in the abstract – and I hope each abstract dream makes you smile in the morning as you are having coffee with your friend.