As, you know, I am trying to become a computer artist – with PhotoShop and Corel Painter. I play around a lot with eyes and facial expressions. I make tronies. Go ahead read on.

“Study the FACE and EYES” – This is not my art work. I took it from some art magazine I was studying on-line.
Do you know how many young boys with fire in their blue eyes look into the eyes of a young girl and say “Will you be my valentine?”
And maybe even attempt to sing the old song:
“Would you be my, honeybee ye ye..
sweet kisses all the time, be mine..
Be my…. Valentine… Ohhhh Ohhhh Ohhhh, Be My….Valentine…!
And then get the reply:
“Noooo, Noooo, Nooooo”
I know it was not the eyes that were driving the young man but there are a lot of love songs about the eyes.
Anyway, at this point the young man had to attempt to sing the song: “Don’t It Make My Brown Eyes Blue.” I know I said earlier the young man had blue eyes BUT it was blue eyed Crystal Gayle who had the hit song in the “70s: “Don’t It Make My Brown Eyes Blue” Despite the title, Crystal herself has blue eyes.
Do you know these facts? The color of your eyes depends on how much of the pigment melanin you have in your iris—the colored part of your eyes. The more pigment you have, the darker your eyes will be.
Newborn babies have little melanin in their eyes, so they begin life with blue or almost colorless eyes. The melanin gradually increases, and by about three years of age, their eyes will have darkened to their true color.
Did you know that having brown eyes may make you appear more trustworthy?
- On Valentine’s day – what do you think? Blue Eyed trust?
In the Czech Republic, university students were asked to look at photographs of 80 fellow students. Results of the study revealed that people with brown eyes were perceived as significantly more trustworthy than those with blue eyes.
But it’s a little more complicated than that. I did a lot of corporate research over the years and I know you have to be careful of conclusions.
Brown-eyed faces tended to have a rounder and broader chin, a broader mouth with upward-pointing corners, relatively bigger eyes, and eyebrows closer to each other. Some or all of these could be the real factor driving your perception of trustworthiness.
Oh my – now go look in the mirror and tell me truthfully are you perceived to be trustworthy – of course you are and the eye color has nothing to do with it – It is because you are a good person.
- As I practice painting I even like to study the impact of animal eyes.
As a young Corporate manage I had to take Dale Carnegie courses to understand how the eyes and facial gestures help manage business situations – different ones when seeking trust, when leading others, when pushing others, when competing with others, and when intimidating others.
From the course I also learned, by studying the eyes and facial expression of the young brown eyed maiden, just maybe, the Nooooo, Nooooo, Nooooo, was really Maybeeeeeeee, Maybeeeeeeee, Maybeeeeeeee.
The course was worth it!
Rembrandt, and other Dutch artists of his day, made many Tronies – Small studies of eyes and the face. Here are some of my tronies:
- My fist painting of this face
- Scary
- Green with envy
- Fire in her eyes
- I see dollars in the man! “Did you say his names was Stump?”
- The apple of my eye.
- Conflicted
- Will not be caught and eaten
- I am sleepy. – Oops – there may be two tomorrows – The third one may be missing.
Oh my – The End
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