The original photo graph of a freighter heading for the Soo Locks and on into Lake Superior.
Linda preparing to catch Holy Perch – ( there is a fishing hole in the ice) – Thus Holy Perch
As I saw it in my mind – I lightened the feeling of the sky and leveled the horizon. Then, I added a misty moon, a subtle star above the moon , and a shaft of light to point your attention to the center. Next I gave more feeling to the freighter as it beat around the point with a layer of fog, smoke, and lights. Then I added ice and open lake water to the left(and a large wave to prevent your eye from drifting off the photo), made the foreground ice more consistent and ice like, and of course Linda and her fishing shack. Was this my lie for the day? May I put it in a Photo Gallery? Shall I label it as “The joy of solitude” ? Is that OK?
You can tell I am really having fun creating for you what I see in my mind – Look out – You may not always want to see the inner workings of my mind!!!
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