I took a photograph from my back porch:

My original photograph – a few modifications follow.

Hey Oscar, did I stoop low to take this photo? Or, is it like the news and the Oscars – all fake? You will never know.

In Florida we are plagued with large Cuban Toads – dangerous they are – They will spit in your dog’s eye – blinding him for awhile – will do the same to you or your horse. Yipes! This photo is not of florida. It is Perla on Drummond.

Or is this my back porch in Florida? Oscar, again I ask you what is real – and, remember, you get awarded for fooling us – why do you not run for president? Watch out, the toad got inside!

Well, if I am going to fool you , I might as well go for the Oscar! – This, I PhotoShopped from my original porch photo. Hey, Dyna’s face is in here, see if you can find it.

As you swing thru life – Don’t be like me. Get modern, enjoy the movies. They are professionals, creating fake news, to entertain us – I love the idea but sitting two hours is hard for me, so I go to my computer and play with PhotoShop to create fake! Hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoy making it.
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